May 5, 2011

Real Madrid: Pursuit of Justice & Redemption

Pepe & Real Madrid are still on UEFA's case about the events which took place in the semi-final 1st leg.

Well I'm glad that's over, now we can try and go back to footballing matters. Not so fast, Real Madrid still has a bone to pick with you, UEFA.

As it was reported on ESPN Soccernet, Real Madrid have appealed the decision taken by UEFA's Disciplinary and Control Body to reject their case of unsportsmanlike conduct on FC Barcelona's part in their 1st leg encounter. Basically, both sides were at each others throats, literally (as seen below), thus they both launched complaints to UEFA. Barcelona waged that José Mourinho's post-match comments were completely out-of-line and that he needed to be reprehended. Meanwhile, Real Madrid's complaint centered on the behavior of several Barcelona players on the pitch. Real Madrid alleged via video evidence that Dani Alves simulated a foul which sent Pepe off and also made note of incidents regarding Sergio Busquets and Pedro. 

Back-up keeper Jose Pinto went at it with Real Madrid's staff.

However, while all signs point to Barcelona letting UEFA's decision to not proceed with their complaint go away, Real Madrid have other ideas. I suppose we can understand that it is quite logical for Barcelona not to pursue an appeal considering they want to have all their concentration pointed at Manchester United in the final. Real Madrid on the other hand are playing 2 sides. One side being the good where they are standing up against these acts of simulation with this appeal and attempting to force UEFA to make an example. The other side is more of a selfish one where they feel undone with their exit and with no other way to get redemption over their bitter rivals on the pitch, they'll do it away from it and try to be a nuance by dragging their concentration away from Wembley. 

Despite a sense of disappointment that both sides have come to this, it only reassures us all of how intense this rivalry is and it may only get worse. It'll be a long time until Real Madrid and Barcelona shake hands with each and that's before and after a match.  

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